Single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotypes in Native American populations.

Autosomal DNA polymorphisms can pro- vide new information and understanding of both the ori- gins of and relationships among modern Native American populations. At the same time that autosomal markers can be highly informative, they are also susceptible to ascer- tainment biases in the selection of the markers to use. Identifying markers that can be used for ancestry inference among Native American populations can be considered sep- arate from identifying markers to further the quest for his- tory. In the current study, we are using data on nine Native American populations to compare the results based on a large haplotype-based dataset with relatively small inde- pendent sets of single nucleotide polymorphisms. We are interested in what types of limited datasets an individual laboratory might be able to collect are best for addressing two different questions of interest. First, how well can we differentiate the Native American populations and/or infer ancestry by assigning an individual to her population(s) of origin? Second, how well can we infer the historical/ evolutionary relationships among Native American popula- tions and their Eurasian origins? We conclude that only a large comprehensive dataset involving multiple autosomal markers on multiple populations will be able to answer both questions; different small sets of markers are able to answer only one or the other of these questions. Using our largest dataset, we see a general increasing distance from Old World populations from North to South in the New World except for an unexplained close relationship between our Maya and Quechua samples. Am J Phys Anthropol 146:495-502, 2011. V
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