Linear bias forecasts for emission line cosmological surveys

We forecast the linear bias for H${\rm \alpha}$-emitting galaxies at high redshift. To simulate a Euclid-like and a WFIRST-like survey we place galaxies into a large-volume dark matter halo lightcone by sampling a library of luminosity-dependent halo occupation distributions, which is constructed using a physically motivated galaxy formation model. We calibrate the dust attenuation in the lightcones such that they are able to reproduce the H${\rm \alpha}$ luminosity function or the H${\rm \alpha}$ cumulative number counts. The angle-averaged galaxy correlation function is computed for each survey in redshift slices of width $\Delta z=0.2$. In each redshift bin the linear bias can be fitted with a single, scale-independent value that increases with increasing redshift. We find that the Euclid-like and WFIRST-like surveys yield linear biases that are consistent within error, as the galaxies in the two surveys occupy halos of similar mass $M_{200}\sim 10^{11.7}\,h^{-1}{\rm M_{\odot}} - 10^{11.9}\,h^{-1}{\rm M_{\odot}}$. Adopting a lightcone calibrated to match the H${\rm \alpha}$ luminosity function, we find that the linear biases for a Euclid-like and a WFIRST-like survey are both consistent with the relation $b(z)\simeq 0.72z+0.7$. Our bias forecasts are consistent with bias measurements from the HiZELS survey.
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