Site Testing in the Northwest of Argentina

We present different results of the characterization of the Tolar Grande Macon Range site in the North-West of Argentina. This project is being developed by the IATE Group of Cordoba Observatory in collaboration with ESO in the framework of the E-ELT project. We present and discuss one year of image quality measurements with MASS and DIMM, three years of meteorological data and detailed studies of seismic activity and geo-technical aspects as well as diverse logistic issues. Geographic description The NW of Argentina between, 23o 15' and 24o 30' South latitude and 65o 30' and 67o 30' West longitude, Known as Puna region, is a high plateau ranging between 3000 and 4000 m. There are several mountain ranges with peaks reaching more than 6000 m. General facilities of the area Salta is the main city, comparable or larger than the Chilean Calama and Antofagasta. Salta provides facilities and infrastructure such as airports, universities, communications, electric power stations, hotels, car and truck rentals, shopping centers, etc. San Antonio de los Cobres: is the main town of our interest area (3781 m.a.s.l., 3200 inhabitants) through a 120 km paved road from Salta. Tolar Grande: Small town of 175 inhabitants (3550 m.a.s.l) close to the site: Macon Range 320 km away from Salta (200 from San Antonio de los Cobres through a non paved road in good conditions. A railway track from Salta City to Antofagasta (Chile) through San Antonio de los Cobres, Tolar Grande and Socompa pass. The Candidate Site (Macon Range) Four candidate locations were preliminary selected after GOES satellite images, NIMBUS data analysis, analysis of tectonic and geographical issues as well as several exploration trips to the area. Macon Range: Toward the East of Arizaro Salt Flat, there is the Macon Range, at 5450 m.a.s.l. extends from the southeast of Mount Rincon, in the Chilean border to the South East of Tolar Grande Town, at the East of the middle of Arizaro salt flat. Macon Range runs in north to south direction and there are no comparable altitudes to the west near 50 km. Macon range has several features that make it suitable for large observational developments. The combined facts of wind regularly from the WNW and E directions, the NorthSouth layout of the Macon range and the presence of the large Arizaro Salt Flat at the West of Macon and Pocitos Salt flat at the East, provides particular configuration that strongly suggest a laminar wind regime on the top of the ridge. Tolar Grande (which offers several facilities) is located between the Macon Range and the Arizaro Salt Flat. Cloud Covering & Extinction GOES 8 images from years 1999 to 2002, were analysed. The cloud covering distribution at local time 21, 00, 03 and 06 hs. (Local Time = UTC + 3hs.) indicates that approximately 83 % of night time is cloud free. During the 2 year campaigns in Tolar Grande it was observed clear sky during more than 90% of the time. Clouds disturbed MASS operation in 6 nights out of 152. Nimbus-7 TOMS satellite data indicates thet the region is not affected by dust, with extinction estimates better than those derived for Chajnantor plateau. Light Pollution Light pollution is negligible in the area of interest and it is not expected to change significantly in decades. Meteorological results Weather parameters are obtained every each 10 minutes, since January 2004. Water Vapor Atmospheric Opacity at 210GHz (Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia). Results correspond to one year of measurements (April 2004 to April 2005). Geological and Geotechnological Characteristics The Cerro Macon granitoid is part of the Basement of the Puna. Considering the characteristics of the rock (Fresh granitic rock with diaclases) the admissible tension is around 35 kg/cm2. The recent detritical cover is very poor or inexistent. The microscopic and chemical analysis of this sediment shows no presence of salt crystals and does not detect the Left: Macon Range (the red line represents the railway track. Right: View of Macon site from the east. presence of SO4, in consequence they consider the soil is not aggressive to the cement. The granitic clast on Macon does not show a typical desert pavement or ventifact form. The absence of eolic sedimentary deposits, salt minerals and desert pavement and ventifact forms at the top of Macon, suggests that the wind do not have the possibility of transporting sedimentary material from the Arisaro salt flat.
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