Kaji Eksperimental Penyimpan Panas Sementara dari Hasil Udara Panas Keluaran Kolektor Energi Surya (Eksperimental Study of Temporary Heat Depositor from Result of Hot WeatherOutput Solar Collector )

Temporary heat storage from heat air solar collector source has been studied in this experiment. Paraffin, as phase change material (PCM) is used as a working object in storage system. The heat air transfer is enhanced from the heat exchanger, a numbers of fin aluminum plates, which caused increasing of heat transfer. These varieties mass flow rates and some exchangers solar energy such as heater electric and solar energy, were examined by using power supply fan DC (3V, 6V, 7,5V, 9V), and heater (350W, 700W, 900W, 1600W). Storage system and channel are isolated by glass wool, so heat transfer to surroundings could be minimizes. Storage capacity PCM is by melting time is 4 hours and 28,2 minutes in temperature melting. Experimental data acquisition research shows that it’s have the same average temperature distribution. The PCM can be function about 5oC on source heater energy and about 1oC from experimental solar collector. The average efficiency from solar collector storage system is about 16,39% and Coefisien of Performance is 1,13. So based on ths experiment, storage PCM solar colector system can be used as heat storage by increased source heat air and restore on it, and can be used again after heat air source decreased.
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