Seroepidemiology of hepatitis C and its risk factors in Khuzestan Province, South-West of Iran: A case-control study

AIM:To evaluate possible risk factors for the spread of hepatitis C infection and to analyze the characteristics of the epidemiological and clinical patterns among the patients with hepatitis C infection. METHODS: During a five-year period a cross-sectional study was conducted among HCV positive individuals referred to the Ahwaz JundiShapour University Hospitals (AJSUH) and Hepatitis Clinic from 1 Sept 1999 to 1 Sept 2003. The control group consisted of first time blood donors referred to the Regional Blood Transfusion organization. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and recombinant immunoblot assay anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) tests were performed for two groups. Positive serum specimens were retested using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for HCV RNA. Risk factors were evaluated using a questionnaire. Reported risk factors among infected subjects (“HCV-positive”) were compared to those of subjects never exposed (“HCV-negative”) to HCV. RESULTS: A total of 514 subjects were studied for HCV, of which 254 were HCV-positive and 260 HCV-negative donors comprised the control group. Mean age of the patients was 28.4 (Std 15.22) years. HCV-positive subjects were more likely to be of male gender (63% versus 37%). Transfusion 132 (52%), non-intravenous (n-iv) drug abuse and iv drug abuse 37 (14.5%), haemodialysis 25 (10%), receiving wounds at war and extramarital sexual activities (2.4%), tattooing (3.6%) were found to be independent risk factors of being HCV-positive. No apparent risk factors could be demonstrated in 29 (11.2%) of the positive cases. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that a history of transfusion and iv drug abuse and haemodialysis are important risk factors for HCV infection in our area and that more careful pretransfusion screening of blood for anti-HCV must be introduced in our blood banks. Improvements in certain lifestyle patterns, and customs in this area may be essential to prevent transmission of the infection.
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