Preliminary study of ground state properties of odd-mass nuclei using the SLy5* within the Skyrme mean-field approach

The single-particle states are degenerate in the ground-state of an even-even nucleus since there are at least two states (corresponding to spin up and spin down) with the same energy. However, this is not the case for odd-mass nucleus due to the existence of the unpaired nucleon which breaks the time reversal symmetry. The impact of the time-reversal symmetry breaking on a wide range of rare earth nuclei has been investigated recently within the Skyrme mean-field approach using the Skyrme SIII parametrization [1]. In order to have a more complete assessment on the impact of time-reversal symmetry breaking on nuclear properties, we performed calculations using the SLy5* parametrization with BCS pairing. The seniority force is used to approximate the residual pairing interaction. In this work, some nuclear properties of odd-mass rare earth nuclei namely binding energy, nuclear charge radii, spectroscopic charge quadrupole moment and band-head energy spectra are compared to previous SIII calculations and experimental data.
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