Metástasis de carcinoma de células en anillo de sello al cuello uterino

Las metastasis de carcinomas extragenitales al utero es rara y el compromiso al cuello uterino es excepcional, especialmente del tipo histologico de carcinoma de celulas en anillo de sello. Se presentan tres casos encontrados en 240 adenocarcinomas cervicales (1,25 por ciento) diagnosticados entre 1979-2012. Dos casos se presentaron en pacientes de 48 y 56 anos originados en carcinomas lobulillares infiltrantes de la mama diagnosticados previamente. La primera paciente esta viva a 19 meses del diagnostico ginecologico y la segunda fallecio a los 14 meses, siendo en ambas un hallazgo histologico incidental en cirugias realizadas por patologia ginecologica benigna. El tercer caso se presento en una paciente de 43 anos que debuto por metrorragia y tumor cervical y fue originado en un carcinoma gastrico infiltrante difuso, encontrado en forma sincronica y fallece a los 2 meses del diagnostico. Se revisan los criterios diagnosticos entre metastasis y carcinoma primario de celulas en anillo de sello del cuello uterino y el aporte al diagnostico de la histologia convencional, la inmunohistoquimica y la tipificacion molecular de HPV. Conclusion: Se concluye que la metastasis de carcinoma de celulas en anillo al cuello uterino es rara y el pronostico es malo. La citoreduccion y la quimioterapia podria tener un rol para casos seleccionados de carcinomas metastasicos de origen mamario y que estos casos no deberian ser considerados un evento preterminal. The uterine metastatic involving of extragenital carcinomas is rare, especially the signetring cell type. Three of such a cases were found in 240 cases of adenocarcinomas of uterine cervix (1.25 percent) diagnosed between 1979-2012. Two of these cases occurred in patients aged 48 and 56 years with infiltrating lobular carcinomas arising in the breast previously diagnosed. The first patient is alive at 19 months after diagnosis and the second is deceased at 14 months after diagnosis. In both cases, the metastasis to the cervix was an incidental histological finding in surgeries performed by benign gynecological pathology. The third case was identified in a 43-years old patient who debuted with metrorrhagia and cervical tumor which was originated in a diffuse infiltrating gastric carcinoma that was found synchronously and she is dead at 2 months after diagnosis. The diagnostic criteria between metastases and primary cervix carcinoma of signet ring cells and the contribution to the diagnosis of conventional histology, immunohistochemistry and molecular typing of HPV are reviewed. The metastasis of signet ring cell carcinoma to the uterine cervix is rare and the survival is poor. Conclusion: The role of cytoreduction and chemotherapy for selected cases of metastasis from breast carcinomas should be considered and in such a case the gynecological involvement should not be considered a preterminal event.
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