The Chrysidoidea Wasps (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) in Conventional Coffee Crops and Agroforestry Systems in Southeastern Brazil

Agroforestry systems represent the integration of agricultural crops with native vegetation. These systems are of great importance to minimize the agricultural impact in the land through intercropping of these vegetations. Despite of the importance of Chrysidoidea as parasitoids wasps associated with different groups of insects, there is no study comparing the assemblages of these hymenopterans in conventional and agroforestry systems in Brazil. The “Pontal do Paranapanema”, located in the extreme west of the state of Sao Paulo (Brazil), has historically been occupied by coffee crops and some small areas of agroforestry systems. Therefore, this study aimed to verify the abundance and composition of Chrysidoidea wasp fauna in different conventional coffee crops and agroforestry systems located in this region. To do so, we collected in six different localities in the “Pontal do Paranapanema” using a Malaise trap in each locality with collections occurring monthly between June 2011 and July 2012. A total of 3,623 Chrysidoidea specimens of three families were collected: Bethylidae, with four genera and a total of 3,396 individuals, representing 93.73% of the total collected; Chrysididae with 11 genera and 151 individuals (4.16%), and Dryinidae with five genera and 76 individuals (2.09%). In terms of abundance, the agroforestry was responsible for most of the individuals collected (n = 2029), followed by the conventional systems with 1,406 individuals and the transitional with 188. The most abundant genera were Epyris and Dissomphalus, responsible for about 92% of the total of Chrysidoidea collected. Most of the genera of Chrysididae were collected in the conventional systems alone or in both conventional and agroforestry systems. For Bethylidae and Dryinidae, no genera were found exclusively in the conventional system. It is expected that the structural complexity of each one of the different ecosystems impact directly in the fauna of Chrysidoidea parasitoids associated.
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