Partnering with families: multiple family group psychoeducation for schizophrenia

Family psychoeducation (FPE) is one of six evidence-based practicesendorsed by the Center for Mental Health Services for individualssuffering from chronic mental illnesses. Multiple family grouppsychoeducation (MFG) has been shown to be an effectivecomponent of FPE in reducing symptom relapses and rehospitaliza-tions for individuals with schizophrenia. It is especially effective whenfamily members participate on a consistent basis, which allows themto increase their understanding of the biology of the disorder, learnways to be supportive, reduce stress in the environment and in theirown lives, and develop a broader social network. When used inconjunction with medication, MFG can help an individual withschizophrenia progress towards the rehabilitation phase of recovery.A case illustration describes the engagement of a chronically ill, mid-thirties male in MFG and how his family’s participation for 2 yearsbenefits all members, in spite of the longevity of his illness. & 2009Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol: In Session 65: 868–878, 2009.Keywords: evidence-based practices; schizophrenia; family psychoe-ducation; multifamily group; family intervention; serious mental illness
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