Seeking Signs of Life on Mars: A Strategy for Selecting and Analyzing Returned Samples from Hydrothermal Deposits

Highly promising locales for biosignature prospecting on Mars are ancient hydrothermal deposits, formed by the interaction of surface water with heat from volcanism or impacts [1-3]. On Earth, they occur throughout the geological record (to at least ~3.5 Ga), preserving robust mineralogical, textural and compositional evidence of thermophilic microbial activity [e.g., 3-5]. Hydrothermal systems were likely present early in Mars’ history [6], including at two of the three finalist candidate landing sites for M2020, Columbia Hills [7-9] and NE Syrtis Major [10 & refs. therein]. Hydrothermal environments on Earth’s surface are varied, constituting subaerial hot spring aprons, mounds and fumaroles; shallow to deep-sea hydrothermal vents (black and white smokers); and vent mounds and hot-spring discharges in lacustrine and fluvial settings. Biological information can be preserved by rapid, spring-sourced mineral precipitation [1,2,9], but also could be altered or destroyed by postdepositional events [5,11,12]. Thus, field observations need to be followed by detailed laboratory analysis to verify potential biosignatures.
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