KVK trainings for the farmers in hilly areas of Poonch district – identifying need of the hour

To conduct variety of trainings for the benefit of farmers and rural youth of their district is the mandate of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs). KVK training programme starts with identification of training needs, the most important step in organization of any training programme. The present study on training needs analysis of the farmers and rural youth was conducted by KVK Poonch. A list of major components/thematic areas was prepared. Under each major component, specific and relevant training need items were collected and systematically incorporated into an interview schedule and administered in terms of frequency of training imparted. The results revealed that farmers sought maximum trainings on off-season vegetable cultivation, nursery management and cultivation of fruit crops under horticulture followed by integrated farming systems, water management, fodder production and technologies for soil and water conservation. Income and employment generating activities for empowerment of rural women, training on small scale preservation, processing, value addition and rural craft were also in high demand.
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