Efficacy of Modulated Microcurrent Stimulation in Pressure Ulcers Treatment: A Monocentric, Prospective, Double-Blind, Randomized Study

Pressure ulcers are defined as “Localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear” (NPUAP/EPUAP 2009) that generally affected people with impaired mobility. In clinical practice there are several methods to facilitate the healing of pressure ulcer. There is evidence that pressure ulcers are characterized by abnormally low electrical potentials, resulting in voltage gradients compared with the surrounding healthy tissue, for this reason electrical stimulation is used to treat pressure ulcers in medical practice. We conducted a monocentric, double-blind, randomized, prospective clinical trial in our rehabilitation center. 33 patients with pressure ulcers at stage II and III NPUAP/EPUAP classification were enrolled. With the aim to investigate the effect of specific modulation of microcurrent wave therapy (BabytechBH®) on tissue regeneration in pressure ulcers treatment. Our data show a reduction in ulcer initial size in treatment group to a mean of 46% (p<0.001). During the same period, pressure ulcers in the control group healed to a mean of 21% of their initial size (p<0.05). Moreover pressure ulcer related pain, evaluated with NRS for pain scale, showed a decrease from a mean value of 53% in the treatment group regard a decrease from 22% in the control group. In conclusion tissue stimulation with wave trains of microcurrents seems to be efficacy in facilitating pressure ulcers healing and can be considered an effective treatment for reducing patients‟ pain.
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