[Use of toltrazuril in pullet breeding flocks raised on floors with anticoccidial-free feed].

: In 28 replacement pullet flocks with flock size of 4,000 to 25,000 birds Toltrazuril (experimental preparation, 2.5% solution, approx. 7 mg/kg body weight) was administered for a period of two days in the drinking water for metaphylactic purpose and therapeutic use, respectively. All flocks were reared without anticoccidial feed additives. Exposition to Eimeria spp. was recorded by examination of faecal samples and intestinal scrapings. Clinical flock control was achieved by vets at eight to ten day intervals. Toltrazuril was characterized by short application period, rapid mode of action, significant reduction of oocyst shedding, good compatibility and acceptance thus proving superior to conventional chemotherapy of coccidiosis. The results suggest that, even without administration of anticoccidial feed additives. Toltrazuril is an effective agent for therapeutic use in acute coccidiosis. Under insufficient management and rearing conditions repeated metaphylactic application has to be considered.
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