Performance and bunk attendance of cattle fed steam- rolled or ground corn supplemented with laidlomycin and chlortetracycline or monensin and tylosin

d1 ), but gain:feed was similar (0.169; P � 0.80) between antibiotic supplements. Processing method did not (P� 0.29) affect rate of gain, but SR tended (P� 0.06) to improve gain:feed compared with G (0.171 vs. 0.165). Steers fed LC spent more (P B0.001) time at the bunk than those fed MT (125 vs. 120 min d1 ). On G diets, cattle fed LC made fewer daily visits (9.3 vs. 9.5 visits d1 ; P� 0.03), but spent more time at the bunk (135.9 vs. 124.0 min d1 ; PB0.001) resulting in greater duration per meal (15.4 vs. 13.7 min meal � 1 ; PB0.001). These cattle also had the greatest deviation in daily duration at the bunk (37.3 vs. 33.7 min; PB0.001). The prevalence of liver abscesses was 13.2% with LC and 6.5% with MT (P � 0.09). However, the prevalence of severely abscessed livers (2.9%) was unaffected (P� 0.45) by treatment. The prevalence of foot rot was greater (P� 0.02) for cattle fed MT (7.5%) than for cattle fed LC (0.8%). Compared with feeding MT, feeding LC may enhance ADG, possibly due to greater DMI.
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