14 - Evaluation of Monitoring Gases and PM with Low-Cost and Reference Devices at AMS(s) in Belgrade, Serbia

Indicative air quality and environmental parameters data with high temporal and spatial resolution including online resource of near real-time and historical data need to be available for citizens. Currently inexpensive air quality sensors have been developed and embedded in small monitoring platforms whose characteristic have been evaluated. This paper shows first results of an evaluation of the performance characteristics of DNET designed low-cost platform under field conditions. They were collocated next to an air monitoring station (AMS) in Belgrade which was a part of the State Air Quality Monitoring Network. Used platforms consisted of electrochemical and infrared sensors for the gaseous pollutants NO2, NO, O3, CO, CO2, and optical devices for PM0.5-2.5 and PM2.5-10 as well as sensors for monitoring T, p and RH. During the three campaigns (Feb-Mar and Oct-Nov 2014), each in duration of 10-15 days, 13 platforms equipped with the same type of Alphasense sensors for gases and DYLOS (USA) monitor for PMs, were tested. The AMS for the first campaign was next to a street with low/medium traffic, while the AMS for the second and last campaign was near the intersection of roads with medium to intense traffic activity. Pilot DNET platforms may be also used for indicative levels of PM2.5, PM10, CO and CO2. The used low-cost devices need to be improved with sensors that will eliminate the influence of O3. The necessity for improving the methodology of calibration of low-cost devices in the field was identified.
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