Habilidades Sociais e Satisfação Profissional de Médicos que Atendem em Contexto Ambulatorial

This study aimed to characterize the repertory of Social Skills (SS) and professional satisfaction (PS) of physicians who attend in an outpatient setting. A descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional design was adopted. Forty-six physicians, selected through non-probabilistic sampling, answered to an Individual Characterization Protocol and the SS Inventory 2 – preliminary version. The main results indicated: (a) good repertory, above average, for the total SS score; (b) good repertoire, below average, for Conversation and Social Resourcefulness and Affective-Sexual Assertiveness; a good repertoire, above average, for Self-Defense Assertiveness and Social Self-Exposition Assertiveness; and a very elaborate repertoire for Expression of Positive Feelings; and (c) positive correlation between SS and PS. A good repertoire of SS facilitates the establishment of a good therapeutic link, works as a protector factor against stress and other mental health problems and makes possible the professional satisfaction.
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