Evaluation of the Peng–Robinson and the Cubic-Plus-Association Equations of State in Modeling VLE of Carboxylic Acids with Water

The performance of the classic Peng–Robinson (PR) and the modern Cubic-Plus-Association (CPA) equations of state were evaluated in modeling isobaric and isothermal vapor–liquid equilibria (VLE) of binary mixtures of carboxylic acids (formic, acetic, propanoic or butanoic) + water. Two functionalities of the alpha term were tested in PR, the original term proposed by Soave and the Matthias–Copeman term specially developed for modeling polar compounds. Within the Soave functionality, two generalized forms of the acentric factor were studied, the original general form and the Robinson and Peng modification for values of the acentric factor larger than 0.491. In addition, the case of PR with fitted parameters from saturated properties (as commonly obtained for modern equations of state) was also evaluated. VLE calculations without the use of a binary interaction parameter are in general more accurate with the modern CPA due to the association term; however, when a binary interaction parameter is used, the performance of the PR versions studied here are on average similar to those of CPA, and in some cases even superior. The original alpha function used in the PR equation and the original generalized form of the acentric factor are the best options for modeling organic acids + water systems when the binary interaction parameter is available. Temperature-dependent binary interaction parameters are provided as a database in modeling these complex systems.
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