Crisis y Ciencia. La lucha entre lo urgente, lo importante, lo pertinente y lo necesario / Crisis and Science. The Struggle Between the Urgent, Important, Relevant and Necessary

La profundidad de la crisis sanitaria, economica y humanitaria que estan sufriendo varios paises a causa del SARS-CoV-2 no es del todo atribuible a la presencia del virus, sino a la ignorancia, la negacion y las acciones de sus gobiernos populistas. Este tipo de politicos llegaron al poder aprovechando el descontento social derivado de la desigualdad generada por la reciente fase de globalizacion. Usando un lenguaje simplista que apela al sentido comun de amplios grupos sociales, han logrado manipular su conciencia y comportamiento. Proponemos que las politicas publicas que han implementado estos gobiernos han fortalecido todos los aspectos de la crisis y, en muchos casos, como en Estados Unidos y Mexico, han distorsionado la realidad y desacreditado a la ciencia para eludir su responsabilidad y asi permanecer en el poder. Abstract The depth of the health, economic and humanitarian crisis that several countries are suffering because of SARS-CoV-2 is not entirely attributable to the presence of the virus, but to ignorance, denial and the actions of their populist governments. These types of politicians came to power by taking advantage of the social discontent derived from inequality and the social discontent generated by the recent phase of globalization. Using simplistic language that appeals to the common sense of broad social groups, they have managed to manipulate their consciousness and behavior. We propose that the public policies that these governments have implemented have strengthened all aspects of the crisis and, in many cases, as in the United States and Mexico, have distorted reality and discredited science in order to evade their responsibility and thus remain in power
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