Compartmentalization of adenosine metabolism in cancer cells and its modulation during acute hypoxia.

Extracellular adenosine mediates diverse anti-inflammatory, angiogenic and vasoactive effects and becomes an important therapeutic target for cancer, which has been translated into clinical trials. This study was designed to comprehensively assess adenosine metabolism in prostate and breast cancer cells. We identified cellular adenosine turnover as a complex cascade, comprised of (a) the ectoenzymatic breakdown of ATP via sequential nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase-1, ecto-5'-nucleotidase/CD73 and adenosine deaminase reactions, and ATP re-synthesis through counteracting adenylate kinase and nucleoside diphosphokinase; (b) the uptake of nucleotide-derived adenosine via equilibrative nucleoside transporters; and (c) the intracellular adenosine phosphorylation into ATP by adenosine kinase and other nucleotide kinases. The exposure of cancer cells to 1% O2 for 24 hours triggered approximately 2-fold up-regulation of CD73, without affecting nucleoside transporters, adenosine kinase activity and cellular ATP content. The ability of adenosine to inhibit the tumor-initiating potential of breast cancer cells via receptor-independent mechanism was confirmed in vivo using a xenograft mouse model. The existence of redundant pathways controlling extracellular and intracellular adenosine provides a sufficient justification for reexamination of the current concepts of cellular purine homeostasis and signaling in cancer.
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