통합 학습에서 특수체육프로그램 활동이 초등학교 아동들의 사회성에 미치는 영향

This study aims to confirm the inevitability of integrated education and find specific solutions for integrated education by closely examining the effect of handicappled training program bas on the development of sociality of non-disabled children in intergrated classes. In order to achieve this goal, I selected two classes that did not show meaningful differences in sociality development tests among the integrated classes in Incheon Metropolitan City and condeucted special physical education on one random class once a seek for 8 weeks and aferwards sociality development tests, and measured and analyzed the results. Te conclurions are as follows. First, the sperial physical education activities showed positive effects on the development of sociality of non-disabled children in integreted class. Second, the special education activities showed positive effecots on the development of socio-phychological development of non-disabled children in integrated class. Third, the special physical education activities showed positive effects on the socio-emotional development of non-disabled children in integraged class. Judging from these results, the spericl physical educaion activities in integrated classes provided essential help to the development of soriality of non-disabled children and proved itself to be an effective solution for developing sociality for children in non-adapting state. This should be studied further through mediating special physical education for the normalicasion of education for disabled and non- disbled children. understanding and persuading the parents and the inevitability of integrated education in the future.
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