Quartet correlations in N=Z nuclei induced by realistic two-body interactions

Two variational quartet models previously employed in a treatment of pairing forces are extended to the case of a general two-body interaction. One model approximates the nuclear states as a condensate of identical quartets with angular momentum $J=0$ and isospin $T=0$ while the other let these quartets to be all different from each other. With these models we investigate the role of alpha-like quartet correlations both in the ground state and in the lowest $J=0$, $T=0$ excited states of even-even $N=Z$ nuclei in the $sd$-shell. We show that the ground state correlations of these nuclei can be described to a good extent in terms of a condensate of alpha-like quartets. This turns out to be especially the case for the nucleus $^{32}$S for which the overlap between this condensate and the shell model wave function is found close to one. In the same nucleus, a similar overlap is found also in the case of the first excited $0^+$ state. No clear correspondence is observed instead between the second excited states of the quartet models and the shell model eigenstates in all the cases examined.
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