QFD Approach for Integrated Information and Data Management Ecosystem: Umbrella Modelling Through Internet of Things

The journey of human civilization has been phenomenal and indeed multi-dimensional. It started with the struggle for existence, survival, growth, transformation and enrichment for gratifying physical as well as intellectual aspirations. Experiential knowledge system and scientific acumen had been the propeller of the engine of development which essentially began with the ignition of fire followed by the inventions of wheels and so on. With the growing complexities of life and multifaceted ambitions, the problems are becoming compounded which need to be solved by the interface of cognitive skills and technology. Triumph of human societies has crossed many milestones at different ages i.e., Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age through evolutionary historical episodes like Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic era. The dynamics of contemporary human civilization solely depends on knowledge economy at the behest of the present information age. The impetus of information has been widely accepted and practiced across the horizontally and vertically integrated economic orientations worldwide. The degree of intensity and commitment might differ among various societies throughout the globe. The concept of Internet of Things (IoTs) has become popular among practitioners, academia and researchers as it acts as the idea of umbrella value proposition with the synergy of related multipliers. The growth trajectory for the advancement and welfare of human races primarily depends on the availability, accessibility and usability of data on multi-dimensional variables. In fact, efficient data management system has become the backbone of all the developmental models. The government agencies even the corporate sectors are also reciprocating to this call of the hour and collect data in accordance with their sectoral limitation. This is welcoming but not exhaustive since it suffers from inconsistencies manifolds. Now, the priority and thrust have been convoluted on the real time data rather being confined into mere collection and use of unintegrated raw data. This chapter would attempt to develop a model based on ‘Quality Function Deployment (QFD)’ approach using IoT platform to augment the real-life data management system which would interact and share between all the stakeholders conforming the spirit of selective data privacy and confidentiality. This would also strive to bring reforms in the existing process of planning, strategy formulation and project implementations.
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