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Östrojen hormonu ve menopoz

RonnekleInsanoglunun en onemli saglik problemleri arasinda olan over yaslanmasi ve menopozla birlikte disi hormon sisteminde duzensizlikler bas gostermektedir. Ostrojen hormonu azalmakta ve buna bagli olarak osteoporoz, kardiyovaskuler rahatsizliklar, Alzheimer hastaligi, artrit, katarakt, over ve kolon kanserleri, diyabet, dis ve cene bozukluklari gibi patolojilerin gorulme sikliginda artis saptanmaktadir. Bu derlemede ostrojen hormonununtemel etki mekanizmalari, hucresel duzeydeki yansimalari ve organizma uzerindeki etkileri hakkinda detayli bilgiyeulasilmasi amaclanmistir. Estrogen hormone and menopause Overian aging and menopause, the most important health problems for human being, cause with these problems a lot of irregulations in female hormone system. The estrogen is decreased and parallel with this situation, some pathologies such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, cataract, ovarian and colon cancers, diabetes, teeth and jaw disorders may be seen.This review paper presents detailed information about estrogen’s basic effect mechanisms, its reflection on cellular level and effects on organisms. J. Exp. Clin. Med., 2012; 29:252-256
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