Critical area air defense (CAAD) homeland air defense architecture assessment

The purpose of this presentation to familiarize the participants with the joint USAF/1st AF/Joint Theater Air and Missile Defense Organization initiative entitled "Critical Area Air Defense (CAAD) Architecture Assessment" that began in 2002. The CAAD briefing is in two parts: (1) the discussion of the CAAD purpose, objectives, architecture, infrastructure; and (2) a description of the events themselves. CAAD is a joint government initiative. Since its inception in January 2002, USAF ESC has taken the technical lead, joined with First Air Force operational lead and Joint Theater and Missile Defense Organization (JTAMDO), to design, construct, implement, and apply a simulation based infrastructure to assess Homeland Air Defense (HLAD) architectures against cruise missiles and terrorist threats similar to the 911 attacks. Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) provided the necessary support to ESC and 1st AF as the prime contractor and technical lead.
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