Rede social das cuidadoras de familiares com doença crônica incapacitante no domicílio: implicações para a enfermagem - DOI: 10.4025/cienccuidsaude.v8i4.9706

At the moment a person presents an impairing illness in his home, the care given, is usually under the responsibility of a family member. This member, in general, does not possess the proper preparation to care for the other, without interfering in his own health condition. The social networks may have an essential role in the aid of the caregivers of such people. This is a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive research, which aimed at knowing how the social networks are formed on the family caregivers of individuals with chronically impairing illnesses, home care, in the region comprehending a family care unit, of a middle-size city in the south of Brazil. Ten caregivers were interviewed, most of them over 50 years old, and children of the cared individual. The caring time ranged from seven months to five years. It was noticed that the networks of these caregivers was composed by relatives, neighbors, friends, members of religious congregations and health professionals. It was evidenced the importance of the social networks in the lives of the caregivers, providing them the necessary support, especially in the cases of illness. Thus, it is suggested to the nurses, new studies and activities in the health units aiming at means to strengthen these social networks, which will aid the caregiver in the care taken.
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