Effect of Prophylactic Supplementation of Vitamin E and Se on Antioxidant Enzymes during Endotoxic Shock in Buffalo Calves

This study was conducted to determine the effects of prophylactic supplementation of vitamin E and Se on oxidative damage and antioxidant status. Fifteen healthy male buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves between the age of 6 to12 months were divided into three groups of five animals each: Group I-control, group II-endotoxic shock group infused with lyophilized E coli endotoxin @ 5 µg/kg body wt, and group III-supplemented with vitamin E @ 250 mg and Se @ 7.5 mg, one month prior to induction of endotoxic shock. All the animals in group II and group III exhibited signs of endotoxic shock. When the endotoxic shock was induced, there was significant (p<0.05) increase in the circulating levels of malonyl dialdehyde MDA (an indicator of lipid peroxidation). In the supplemented group III the magnitude of formation of MDA was also less as compared to group II at every stage of study. There was significant (p<0.05) decrease in circulating levels of SOD, GSH-Px, Catalase and G-6-PD activity from the normal (0 h) value with passage of time. As a result of endotoxic shock, these values reached a lowest value, and then showed a tendency towards the 0 h value. Prophylactic supplementation with vitamin E and Se was successful in reducing the quantum of oxidative damage due to formation of free radicals because of endotoxic shock. (Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2003. Vol 16, No. 11 : 1577-1582)
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