Re-mapping the Americas : trends in region-making

Contents: Foreword, H.E. Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin Part I Backdrop: Re-mapping the Americas, W. Andy Knight, Julian Castro-Rea and Hamid Ghany Regional and global governance: theory and practice in the Caribbean, Vaughan A. Lewis. Part II Hegemony, Regionalization and the Changing Hemisphere: The FTAA and its untimely demise, W. Andy Knight Free trade: a tool for US hegemony in the Americas, Julian Castro-Rea Remapping trade relations in the Americas: the influence of shifting power, Gaspare M. Genna CARICOM's engagement with Latin America: the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), its promise and challenges, Mark Kirton Latin America in China's peaceful rise, Joseph Y.S. Cheng Assessing the developmental potential of the FTAA and EPA for small developing states, Patsy Lewis Whither CARICOM?, Matthew Louis Bishop. Part III Regional Security, Governance and Multilateralism: The political economy of post-9/11 US security in Latin America: has anything really changed?, Greg Anderson The constitutional and political aspects of strategic culture in Trinidad and Tobago, Hamid Ghany From engagement to influence: civil society participation in the EPA trade negotiations and regional integration processes, Annita Montoute Caribbean integration: can cultural production succeed where politics and economics have failed? (Confessions of a wayward economist), Norman Girvan Liberalization of fair trade or globalization of human (in)security? Protecting public goods in the emerging economic integration of the Americas, Obijiofor Aginam The dynamics, limits and potential of formal liberal democracy in Latin America, Fred Judson Why democracy and the free market are good for caudillos: the Nicaragua case, Kalowatie Deonandan. Conclusions, W. Andy Knight, Julian Castro-Rea and Hamid Ghany Bibliography Index.
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