60-S Retrogated Compressed Sensing 2D Cine of the Heart: Sharper Borders and Accurate Quantification.

Background and objective: Real-time compressed sensing cine (CSrt) provides reliable quantification for both ventricles but may alter image quality. The aim of this study was to assess image quality and the accuracy of left (LV) and right ventricular (RV) volumes, ejection fraction and mass quantifications based on a retrogated segmented compressed sensing 2D cine sequence (CSrg). Methods: Thirty patients were enrolled. Each patient underwent the reference retrogated segmented steady-state free precession cine sequence (SSFPref), the real-time CSrt cine and the segmented retrogated prototype CSrg sequence providing the same slices. Functional parameters quantification and image quality rating were performed on SSFPref and CSrg images sets. The edge sharpness, which is an estimate of the edge spread function, was assessed for the three sequences. Results: The mean scan time was: SSFPref = 485.4 ± 83.3 (SD) s (95% CI: 454.3–516.5) and CSrg = 58.3 ± 15.1 (SD) s (95% CI: 53.7–64.2) (p 0.05). Edge sharpness was significantly better with CSrg (0.083 ± 0.013 (SD) pixel−1; 95% CI: 0.078–0.087) than with CSrt (0.070 ± 0.011 (SD) pixel−1; 95% CI: 0.066–0.074; p = 0.0004) and not different from the reference technique (0.075 ± 0.016 (SD) pixel−1; 95% CI: 0.069–0.081; p = 0.0516). Conclusions: CSrg cine provides in one minute an accurate quantification of LV and RV functional parameters without compromising subjective and objective image quality.
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