Amphibians and reptiles of the Dominican Republic: species of special concern

The Dominican Republic faces multiple threats to biodiversity. A list of native species of am- orata are very localized and the previously widespread ranges of the others have shrunk or become fragmented. phibians and reptiles (excluding sea turtles) is pre- A toad (Bufo fluviaticus), a large galliwasp (Celestus sented. Some may have become extinct recently, substantial populations of others have been extirpated, anelpistus), and a snake (Alsophis melanichnus) have not some have greatly reduced numbers, and others appear been collected recently. Only a few specimens of an- other galliwasp (C. carraui ) and a dwarf gecko (Sphaero- to be rare or have restricted ranges. Most of the 13 taxa listed are relatively large, vulnerable to human exploi- dactylus cochranae) have been taken recently. In addition, extensive portions of the habitats of these species have tation or introduced predators, and:or have limited distributions and specific habitat requirements. To be been severely altered. Three other snakes (Alsophis anomalus, Ialtris agyrtes, I. dorsalis) are rare and may never
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