[Acute autonomic and sensory neuropathy associated with galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome and intractable anorexia].

Abstract Acute autonomic and sensory neuropathy (AASN), one subtype of acute pandysautonomia, in which dorsal root ganglia and autonomic ganglia are involved is uncommon. Little is so far known on central nervous system involvement in AASN. In the present paper we described a rare case of AASN associated with the central nervous system manifestations such as galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome and intractable anorexia. A 30-year-old woman rapidly developed burning pain and numbness in her arms and legs as well as orthostatic syncope. She had severe anorexia and no no menstruation from onset. On physical examination, she was emaciated. There was marked orthostatic hypotension with tachycardia. Skin was dry. Moderate galactorrhea was detected. Neurological examination showed prominent paresthesia and dullness of superficial sensation, predominantly to pinprick and thermal stimuli, segmentally over the neck, occipital scalp, and extremities. Deep sensation was intact. She had no weakness or ataxia. Deep tendon reflexes were almost normal. NCV and SEP were normal, while EEG was abnormal. Sural nerve biopsy demonstrated axonal degeneration with the loss of myelinated, predominantly in small-caliber fibers, and unmyelinated fibers. The levels of HVA and MHPG in CSF were decreased. The autonomic nervous function tests revealed postganglionic dysfunction. alpha-adrenergic system was predominantly impaired, while beta-adrenergic system was relatively preserved. The endocrinological studies demonstrated mild or moderate elevation of PRL basal value and hyper-response of PRL and LH for TRH and LH-RH loading test, which suggested disorder of the hypothalamo-hypophysial system. Cranial MRI showed moderate dilatation of the 3rd ventricle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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