Tratamiento de las fracturas conminutas de cabeza radial mediante exéresis cabeza radial. Resultados a largo plazo de 18 casos Fractures comminuted of the radial head treated with radial head resection. Long-term follow-up of eighteen cases

Radial head resection is the accepted treatment of comminuted radial-head fractures in adults. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the long-term outcomes of primary radial head excision. A retrospective study was un- dertaken of 18 patients with Mason type III and IV. The avera- ge age at operation was 50 years and the average length of follow-up was 6,8 years. Only four patients lost 15 degrees or more of extension of the elbow. Pronation and supination were decreased by an average of 3,7o and 8,4o respective. Ac- cording to the functional classification that we use, the ave- rage of EMPS score was 83,3 with a 88,3% of satisfactory re- sults and the average of HSSS score was 71,1 with a 94% of excellent o good results.
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