Nosographic and psychodynamic problems of autoeviration. Presentation of 5 cases

After a review of literature data about autoeviration, with a particular interest in the proposed diagnostic criteria, 5 cases observed in Tuscany in the last twenty years are presented. Five patients had a diagnosis of schizophrenia, with the presence of command auditory hallucinations. The presence of schizophrenic patients confirms the literature data. The Authors underline, on the other hand, the presence in their group of patients who express ideas of guilt which can be connected with sexual transgression; cases of this kind could therefore be an ideal model for the clinical and psychopathological study of psychotic, affective and dissociative symptom integration. In the second part having underlined the difficulties of this kind of research because of the disturbing characteristics of this kind of conduct, diagnostic criteria and some aspects of the psychiatric disorders are presented. The Authors emphasize the importance of a wider interest in this kind of cases particularly regarding the patient's personal history and his family dynamics. Language: it
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