Erratum to: Increased phosphatidylcholine (16:0/16:0) in the folliculus lymphaticus of Warthin tumor

Erratum to: Anal Bioanal Chem DOI 10.1007/s00216-014-7890-9 Fig. 5 Molecular identification by the MS/MS analysis of tissue sections. The precursor ions were m/z 772.5 (a), m/z 820.5 (b), m/z 822.5 (c), m/z 844.5 (d) and m/z 846.5 (e). From the product ion spectrum, a molecule corresponding to m/z 772.5 was identified ... The authors would like to call your attention to the following: The legend of Figure 6 should read “Location of PC (16:0/16:0) in the War-T region. The ion images of m/z 772.5, identified as [PC (16:0/16:0) + K]+, were merged with the HE staining image for case 1. According to the HE staining, we discriminated the neoplastic epithelium and lymphoid stroma on the basis of the description in Fig. 1. The ion image showed that the signal at [PC(16:0/16:0) + K]+ (m/z 772.5) was more intense in the lymphoid stroma and performed clusters in the regions circled by red lines, folliculus lymphaticus”. The sentence “In our study, most of the lipids detected in the War-T regions included two double bonds, such as PC (16:0/18:2)” should read: “In our study, most of the lipids detected in the War-T regions included more than two double bonds, such as PC (16:0/20:3)”. The paragraph under Figure 6 should read: “However the signal at [PC(16:0/16:0) + K]+ (m/z 772.5) showed a different localization compared to the other War-T signals. The merged ion images of [PC(16:0/16:0) + K]+ (m/z 772.5) and [PC(36:2) + K]+ (m/z 824.5) revealed a clear positional discrimination between these two biomolecules. By comparison with the HE staining images, the signal at [PC(36:2) + K]+ (m/z 824.5) was found at neoplastic epithelium. In contrast, the signal at [PC(16:0/16:0) + K] + (m/z 772.5) was located mainly in lymphoid stroma (Fig. 4). Especially, the folliculus lymphaticus in the War-T region exhibited high signal intensities at [PC(16:0/16:0) + K]+ (m/z 772.5)” Unfortunately, there was a mistake in Figure 5 of this contribution. Please find the correct Figure 5 below:
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