The Kermadec Storm-Petrel Pelagodroma (marina) albiclunis: an overlooked Australian taxon

The Kerm a dec Storm-Petr e l Pel agod roma (marina) alb i cl uni s is a t axo n , e ith e r spec i es or subspecies, that is currently suspected to breed only on isl a nds of th e K ermadec Isl a nds G r o up , north of New Z ea land , though it m a y have previously br e d a t both th e Norfolk a nd Lord Howe Island Groups. Notes on recent sightings of the Kermadec Storm-P e trel from near L ord Howe Island and the New South Wales coast are given. There rem a in s th e pos s ibilit y that thi s t axon st ill breeds in the Lord Howe Island Group.
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