Automated System for Monitoring the Radiation Situation at NPP and Environs: a Safety Security Tool

This article is devoted to an automated system for monitoring the radiation situation at NPP and environs. The tasks of the system in accord with the domestic documents and IAEA norms as well as the directions of further development of the system taking account of the experience gained in operating similar systems abroad, specifically, the SPEEDI decision-making support system at the Fukushima-1 NPP (Japan) are formulated. An approach to protecting the general population using the automated system for monitoring the radiation situation at NPP and environs (ASMRS) in accord with the documents of the Rosenergoatom Concern and the IAEA standards is described. Recommendations are presented for formulating a measurement problem in order to fulfill the basic functions of ASMRS as a decision-making support system. The effectiveness of using gamma-spectrometric measurement channels is evaluated by comparing the sensitivity of the dosimetric and spectrometric methods based on two models of the origin of the radioactive cloud above a detector.
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