The dust-eliminated shape of quasar spectra in the near-infrared: a hidden part of the big blue bump

The near-infrared shape of the big blue bump component in quasar spectra has been essentially unknown. It usually cannot be observed directly, due to the strong hot dust emission which dominates quasar spectra longward of ~1micron. However this is quite an important part of the spectrum theoretically. At least bare disk models provide quite a robust prediction for the overall continuum shape in the near-infrared. Self-gravity should become important in the outer, near-infrared emitting regions of the putative disk, possibly leaving a signature of disk truncation in the near-infrared. We propose here that this important part of the spectrum can be revealed for the first time by observing polarized flux from normal quasars. At least in some polarized quasars, the emission lines are all unpolarized and so the polarized flux should originate interior to the broad line region, and therefore also interior to the dust emitting region. This can then be used to eliminate the dust emission. We present the results of near-infrared polarimetry for such three quasars (Ton202, 4C37.43, B2 1208+32). The data for Ton202 have the highest S/N, and the near-infrared polarized flux in this case is measured to have quite a blue shape, nu^+0.42+-0.29 in F_nu, intriguingly consistent with the simple multi-temperature black body, bare disk prediction of nu^+1/3. All these data, although still with quite low S/N for the other two objects, demonstrate the unique potential of the technique with future better data. We also present similar data for other quasars and radio galaxies, and briefly discuss the nature of the polarization.
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