Etude des propriétés de transport : conductivité, pouvoir thermoélectrique et constante de hall de couches minces d'alliages Au-Cr obtenues par coévaporation asservie

The results of transport properties study, as a function of temperature of Au-Cr thin film alloys obtained by controlled coevaporation show that : electrical resistivity presents two types of variations, when the atomic Cr concentration is lower or higher 30%. In the first case, it is linear, in the second case, the variation is growing then falling, in relation with the magnetic structure of the samples. Thermoelectric power of the alloy including 38 at.% Cr goes from positive values to negative values when temperature increases. Hall coefficient which is stable from 100 K to 573 K changes of sign for the 65 at.% Cr concentration. Extensometric transductors realization can be possible thanks to gauge coefficient near 2 and temperature coefficient equal 10 −5 for some compositions.
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