Foreign Accents: Chinese American Verse from Exclusion to Postethnicity

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS INTRODUCTION TO BE (OR NOT TO BE) THE POET: THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF VERSE IN ASIAN AMERICAN LITERATURE 1. Toward a Pre-History of Asian American Verse: Pound, Cathay, and the Poetics of Chineseness 2. Chinese/American Verse in Transnational Perspective: Racial Protest and the Poems of Angel Island INTERCHAPTER: FROM THE LANGUAGE OF RACE TO THE POETICS OF ETHNICITY: THE RISE OF ASIAN AMERICAN VERSE 3. 'A Voice from China': Ha Jin and the Cultural Politics of Anti-Socialist Realism 4. The Precision of Persimmons: Li-young Lee, Ethic Identity, and the Limits of Lyric Testimony 5. 'Are you hate speech or are you a lullaby?': Marilyn Chin and the Politics of Form in Chinese/American Verse 6. 'the owner of one pock-marked tongue': John Yau and the Logic of Ethnic Abstraction CONCLUSION: CHINESE/AMERICAN VERSE IN THE AGE OF POST-ETHNICITY? BIBLIOGRAPHY
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