Respuesta a corto plazo de parámetros fisicoquímicos del agua a la rehabilitación hidrológica de caños en manglares de Cispata, Caribe colombiano

The present study evaluated the short-term response (<6 months), of water physicochemical parameters to hydrological rehabilitation (HR) of clogged channels in mangrove of Cispata, Colombian Caribbean. Between September-2018 and September-2019, we measure the water physicochemical parameters before and after the HR. The index of marine and coastal water quality (ICAMPFF) in channels and swamps was calculated. Before the HR, in some stations, water quality was poor, in other inadequate, and in other acceptable; after five months of HR in all stations, water quality became acceptable. After HR, the salinity and temperature of the water within the mangrove decreased to adequate values for the mangrove seedlings. In the short term, HR significantly improved the physicochemical conditions of the water required for the preservation of fauna and seedlings in the channels, swamps, and within the mangrove forest. Our findings are applicable in the mangrove restoration management and their adaptive handling.
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