Nuclear multipole responses from chiral effective field theory interaction

We probe nuclear multipole resonances in the framework of the random-phase approximation by using the interaction obtained from the chiral effective field theory. The three-nucleon force is included in a form of the in-medium two-nucleon interaction which was derived from the chiral three-nucleon force. The isoscalar monopole, isoscalar dipole, isovector dipole and isoscalar quadrupole resonances of the closed-shell $^{56,68,78}$Ni have been investigated. The calculations reasonably reproduce the experimental multipole resonances of $^{56,68}$Ni, and well describe the pygmy dipole resonance and dipole polarizability measured in $^{68}$Ni. The multipole resonances of $^{78}$Ni, including pygmy dipole resonance and dipole polarizability, are predicted. The detailed effects of the tensor force and three-body force are analyzed by dissecting the chiral interaction. We find that in general the tensor force effect on electric giant resonances is not as significant as the effect from the three-body force, although the tensor force provides more than half of the binding energy. The effect from three-body force is strong in light nuclei. Particularly, three-body force is crucial for the formation of the pygmy resonance in calculations.
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