Göğüs Duvarı Deformitesi Olan Çocukların Demografik, Klinik ve Ekokardiyografik Özellikleri

GIRIŞ ve AMAC: Gogus duvari deformitesi olan cocuklarin demografik, klinik ve ekokardiyografik ozelliklerinin degerlendirilmesi amaclandi. YONTEM ve GERECLER: Cocuk kardiyoloji unitesinde uc yil sureyle gogus duvari deformitesi tanisi alan hastalar retrospektif olarak degerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Ortanca yasi 8 olan hastalarin ortalama yasi 7.6 ± 4.5 idi. Gogus duvari deformitesi olan yuz altmis dort (% 80) hastanin ekokardiyografik degerlendirmesi normaldi. Ekokardiyografik tanilari 10 (% 4.87) atriyal septal defekt, 8 (% 3.90) mitral kapak prolapsusu, 7 (% 3.41) hafif mitral yetersizligi, 5 (% 2.44) darlik olmayan bikuspit aort kapagi, 4 (% 1.95) ventrikuler septal defekt, 2 (% 0.98) hafif aort kapak yetersizligi, 2 (% 0.98) dekstrokardi, 2 (% 0.98) aort koarktasyonu ve 1 (% 0.49) kompleks kalp defekti (pulmoner atrezi ve ventrikuler septal defekt) idi. Ekokardiyografi ile degerlendirilen sag kalbe basi bulgusu 15 (% 7.3) hastada saptandi. TARTIŞMA ve SONUC: Gogus duvari deformitelerinin dogustan kalp hastaliklari ile iliskili olmasi ve kalbe basi bulgusu olusturabilmeleri sebebiyle ekokardiyografi ile degerlendirilmesi defektlerin en uygun sekilde yonetilmesini saglayacaktir. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: To determine the demographic, clinical and echocardiographic characteristics of children with chest wall deformities. METHODS: The patients diagnosed with chest wall deformities were investigated retrospectively in the pediatric cardiology unit over a period of three years. The study enrolled 205 children under the age of 18 years diagnosed with chest wall deformities. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 7.6 ± 4.5 years with a median of 8 years. One hundred and sixty four (80 %) patients with chest wall deformities were found to have normal echocardiography results. Incidental echocardiographic diagnoses included 10 (4.87%) atrial septal defects, 8 (3.90%) mitral valve prolapses, 7 (3.41%) mild mitral regurgitations, 5 (2.44%) bicuspid aortic valve without aortic valve stenoses, 4 (1.95%) ventricular septal defects, 2 (0.98%) mild aortic regurgitations, 2 (0.98%) dextrocardia, 2 (0.98%) coarctations of the aorta, and  1 (0.49%) complex cardiac defect (pulmonary atresia and VSD). Compression in the right heart was evaluated by echocardiography in 15 patients (7.3%). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Because chest wall deformities are associated with congenital heart defects in children and may cause compression in the right heart, evaluation by echocardiography can ensure an optimal management of the defects.
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