Risk Factors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Relapse in Working Population of Makassar City

Pulmonary tuberculosis relapse is a common complications in tuberculosis patients and causing problems around the world, especially in Indonesia. In 2016, Makassar City overall was reported to have high incidence of tuberculosis relapse case detection rate about 4, 9% of 1.850 total smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in working population. This present study aimed to investigate risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis relapse in working age population in public health centers of Panakkukang Subdistrict and Tallo Subdistrict of Makassar City. This present observational-analytical study using case-control study design. This study using exhaustive sampling method for case group and simple random sampling for control group. Data analysis performed with Risk Estimate test (odds ratio)e. This present study shows BCG immunization history (OR=0, 619; 95% CI=0, 197-1, 941), disease comorbidity (OR=2, 143; 95%CI=0, 663-6, 924), smoking (OR=1, 272; 95%CI=0, 317-5, 111), regular medication intake history (OR=6, 111; 95%CI=2, 010-18, 584), air ventilation (OR=0, 706; 95%CI=0, 191-2, 603) and flooring type (OR=1, 909; 95%CI=0, 599-6, 081). This present study concluded that regular medication intake was significant risk factor in pulmonary tuberculosis relapse in working population.
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