Hace ya algún tiempo: Otto Gross. Sexo, drogas y Psicoanálisis.

espanolOtto Gross fue un psiquiatra austriaco nacido en 1877 y uno de los primeros seguidores del Psicoanalisis, aunque sus criticas a la escuela freudiana le supusieron ser excluido de ella a pesar de haber aportado varias teorias a la misma. Llego a detentar la catedra de Psicopatologia en la Universidad de Graz, pero padecio severos problemas de adicciones a sustancias durante la mayor parte de su vida, los cuales motivaron diversos ingresos psiquiatricos, varios de ellos promovidos por su propio padre, jurista de gran prestigio. Politica y socialmente se le considero afin al anarquismo. Fue partidario del amor libre, tuvo numerosas amantes e hijos de varias de ellas; siendo el mas insigne representante de “Monte Verita”, una de las primeras comunidades “hippies” de la historia. Murio de neumonia, a punto de cumplir los 43 anos, despues de haber sido encontrado en la calle desnutrido y con sintomas de congelacion. EnglishOtto Gross was an Austrian psychiatrist born in 1877, considered one of the first supporters of Psychoanalysis, as well as his first critical excluded from the Freudian school despite having contributed several theories to it. He held the chair of Psychopathology at the University of Graz, but suffered from severe substance abuse problems for most of his life, which led to various psychiatric admissions, most of them promoted by his own father, a highly respected lawyer. Politically and socially allied to anarchism, defender of free love, he had many lovers and children from several of them; being the most distinguished representative of Monte Verita, one of the first Hippie communities in history. He died of pneumonia, at age 43, after being found malnourished and stranded on the street with frostbite symptoms.
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