Activity-dependent changes in extracellular potassium and excitability in turtle olfactory nerve

The excitability properties of turtle olfactory nerve (o.n.) were studied in vitro using potassium-sensitive microelectrodes (KSM), a modified sucrose gap chamber, and a standard nerve chamber to measure conduction velocity. A pronounced supernormal period (SNP), as indicated by increased conduction velocity of the o.n. fiber volley, lasting up to several seconds, was observed following a single stimulus. The compound action potential recorded in the sucrose gap chamber showed a prolonged depolarization with a similar time course to the SNP. When stimulation intensity was submaximal the response amplitude, and the extracellular potassium concentration [K+]o, continuously increased during repetitive stimulation. In contrast, when supramaximal stimuli were applied, the amplitude of the o.n. fiber volley was reduced during a high-frequency stimulus train for all responses after the initial one even though latency was maximally reduced, i.e., during supernormal conduction. Superfusion with various levels of K+ elicited changes in the excitability of the o.n. fibers. Small increases in [K+]o above the resting concentration of 2.6 mM led to an increase in resting excitability, whereas larger increases resulted in decreased excitability and conduction block. The SNP was eliminated when extracellular potassium was elevated between 3 and 4 mM above resting levels. Microstimulation of a small bundle of o.n. fibers led to an increase in [K+]o along the bundle but also around adjacent nonactivated fibers. The excitability of these neighboring nonactivated fibers was increased, further indicating the importance of activity-dependent changes in [K+]o in modulating axonal excitability. These results demonstrate the importance of activity-dependent increases in extracellular potassium in modulating nonmyelinated o.n. fiber excitability. They also indicate that increases in [K+]o and an associated membrane depolarization contribute to the increased excitability observed during fiber recruitment and the supernormal period.
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