Создание сортов озимой тритикале с повышенной средоулучшающей функцией растений

The issues of creating new promising varieties of winter triticale with higher productivity indicators, adaptability to bio- and abiostressors, environmental-improving function of plants, contributing to the preservation and improvement of soil fertility, compared with the standards of Victor and Hermes, are considered. In 2019 – 2020, valuable varieties of Kapella and Arktur with a potential productivity of up to 12 tons/ha of grain, characterized by high signs of photosynthetic activity of plants and grain quality, were created with the introduction to the State Register of selection achievements. The short-stemmed, lodging-resistant (85 – 90 cm) variety Arktur is particularly promising in this regard. As a result of selection, varieties and lines with increased environmental-improving function of winter triticale plants were obtained due to the return of organic substances to the soil in the form of crushed straw, floor, root residues containing up to N 75 P 40 K 200 in their composition. It is determined that the environmental-improving function of triticale plants is a selective feature that it is advisable to improve in the process of creating new varieties.
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