Métodos de financiación para start ups en el contexto de Colombia

The objective of the current work is to identify and describe the financing methods that could be found in Colombia aimed at the creation and development of start ups. This work finds its importance in a country where the majority of companies are micro, small and medium-sized companies, in addition to being considered the source of potential entrepreuners. To carry out the project, a PEST analysis about the financing context for entrepreuners in Colombia in 2020 was realized. Once the diagnosis is made, we proceed to look for the theories and categories about the financing of start ups through databases found on the web, in addition to looking for information on the different tools provided by the State and different government entities. The objectives were achieved by searching for information for financing methods in Colombia, which was found on websites, quests in internet databases and law decrees for this puposes. Finally, a comparison is made of the different methods that were demonstrated,exemplifying them in order to obtain a more thorough analysis about the most viable methods to use to finance a start up in Colombia.
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