Modeling andParameter Extraction MethodsofBond-Wires forChip-Package Co-Design

Theobjective ofthis paperwastopresent apreparatory investigation ofmodeling ofICpackages forchip-package co-design. Ourworkwasfocused onthemodeling and parameter extraction methods ofbond-wires. Basedontwoportparameters, alumpedIH-type equivalent circuit fora single-bond-wire was presented andtheR, L,andC parameters ofthebond-wire wereextracted. Inaddition, multi-bond-wires wereproposed forbetter performance by comparing theirsimulated S-parameters withmeasured results. Finally, a simple andlowcostteststructure was designed andmadeforvalidation oftheparameterized model. IIntroduction With continuously increased frequency/speed and miniaturized package oftheintegrated circuits, package has becomea hugebottleneck forhighfrequency ICdesign, whichimpacts ofcircuit performances inareasuchassignal integrity, match, gainandother parameters. People have strived todevelop novelpackaging technology forhigh frequency applications allthetime. Flip-chip interconnection isoneoftheinnovations amongthemanditisreasonably assumed tohavebetter high-frequency performance thanthat of bond-wire interconnection. However,bond-wires interconnection isstill applied widely inRF design forits lower costandreliable manufacture[1][2]. Somecircuits even utilize parasitic parameters ofthebond-wire forimpedance matching purpose[3]. Therefore, electrical modeling ofbondwiresforhigh-speed application isalways oneofthe interesting fields andmanycircuit designers arebeing eager toobtain accurate equivalent circuit modelforchip-package co-design[4]-[7] Modeling andparameter extraction methods ofbond-wire forSpiceanalysis was focused on inthispaper. A symmetrical lumpedIH-type equivalent circuit forasinglebond-wire wasintroduced andamethod ofhowtoextract R, L,andC ofthebond-wire basedonS-parameters wasalso presented. Inorder toobtain accurate S-parameters ofthe bond-wire, ade-embedding technique isusedtosubtract the effect ofconnecting line. Forbetter performance, losses of multiple-wire interconnections withdifferent number ofwires inhighfrequency werecompared. Tovalidate thesimulated results andtheparameterized model, asimple andlowcost test structure wasdesigned atthesametime. IIModeling ofthebond-wire Oneofthemostwidely usedmodeling techniques isbased onfull-wave solutions duetoits great accuracy. Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS), whichisoneofthe full wavefinite element electromagnetic simulators, isusedto characterize thebond-wire inthis work. A two-port equivalent circuit modelusedtocharacterize bond-wire wasshowninFig.1.R1andR2represented the terminal resistances, C1 and C2 weretheterminal capacitances, andtheseries resistance R usedtomodelthe dissipative loss wasgiven by
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