Development of a Hydrazine/Nitrogen Dioxide Fiber Optic Sensor

Bromothymol Blue (BT)/Bromocresol Green (BG) mixture (1/1) in hydrogel (l/l), produces a blue-green indicator for HZ and/or NO2. The stability over a two months period of this BT/BG (1/1) indicator solution was tested and no evidence of performance deterioration was detected. A dual HZ/NO2 prototype sensor utilizing an acid-base indicator was previously constructed. A monitor and control circuit are also designed, built d tested during the course of this project. The circuit is controlled with Motorola MC68HC II microcontroller evaluation board to monitor the voltage level out of the photodetector. Low-pass filter and amplifier are used to interface the sensor's small voltage with the microcontroller's AD input. The sensor, interface circuit and the microcontroller board are then all placed in one unit and powered with a single power supply. The unit is then tested several times and the response was consistent and proved the feasibility of dual "J@ leak detection. Other sensor types, suitable for silica glass fiber, smaller in size, more rugged and suitable for use on board of the Space Shuttle and missile canisters, are then proposed.
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