Lunar COTS: Using the Moon's Resources to Enable an Economical and Sustainable Pathway to Mars and Beyond

To support NASAs goal of sending humans to Mars, a new plan was constructed to develop and demonstrate cislunar capabilities and services in partnership with commercial industry using the well-proven Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) Program acquisition model. The NASA COTS Program was a very successful program that developed and demonstrated cost-effective commercial cargo transportation services to the International Space Station (ISS). As a result of NASAs COTS program, two new launch vehicles and spacecraft were developed and have been successfully performing cargo transportation missions to the ISS since 2012. The COTS acquisition strategy utilized a new model than normally accepted in traditional procurement practices. This new model used Space Act Agreements where NASA entered into partnerships with industry to jointly share cost, development and operational risks to demonstrate new capabilities for mutual benefit. This model proved to be very beneficial to both NASA and its industry partners as NASA saved significantly in development and operational costs, as much as tenfold, while industry partners successfully expanded their market share of the global launch transportation business for significant economic benefit. Using the COTS acquisition model as a basis, a new plan, notionally referred to as Lunar Commercial Orbital Transfer Services (or Lunar COTS), has been developed to determine the potential benefits and challenges of a new Lunar COTS plan[1]. The proposed plan includes low-cost, commercial-enabled missions to prospect for resources, determine the economic viability of extracting those resources and assess the value proposition of using these resources in future exploration architectures such as Mars. These missions would be accomplished in partnership with industry to meet these exploration goals but will also have the capability to carry payloads to meet science goals as well.
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