Septobasidium pseudopedicellatum Burt. Caused Velvet Blight Disease on Black Pepper in Indonesia.

Velvet blight disease on black pepper was considered as a new disease, and great possibility to spread easly to the other district in Indonesia. The research aims was to diagonsis the  velvet blight disease on black pepper, and to determine the level of the attack and its association to insects. The samples were taken from two regencies (Bengkayang and Sambas) as a central black pepper plantation in West Kalimantan. Measurement of disease occurance has conducted on 50 orchards randomly selected in these district. Postulat Koch has done at one year seedling. According to morphology of velvet blight fruiting bodies of the samples, the pathogen was identified as Septobasidium pseudopedicellatum Burt. In The pathogenicity test on black pepper seedlings showed that the symptoms of velvet blight formation occur at wounded stems and at node.  the fruiting body were common found scale insect, Unaspis sp. The insect function in this case hasn’t been known. Occording to field observation found that the average of disease incidance (I) 83% ± 22.7, and disease severity (S) 37.52% ± 17.05). A linier model of  I and S relationship based on asinh-asinh transformation was A(I) = -0.11 + 0.86 (A)S and R 2 = 0.815 with pearson correlation 0.905.
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